Friday, October 30, 2009

Carving pumpkins

Natalie, Jasper and I spent a couple hours Thursday night carving pumpkins. Actually, Nat and I carved pumpkins while J tried to decide whether or not he liked the 'guts.'

He decided he did. And he dug right in, even though he said 'Ewwwww' most of the time we were working (or playing). As you can see, he needed a bath shortly after we finished.

Once he was clean we posed for family pictures with the jack-o-lanterns and, obviously, this WAS NOT as fun for J as carving was. (Note ANOTHER face; it was very close to bedtime, if not a bit after.)

We then stuck them outside for others to enjoy. I feel like a bad parent because we didn't even carve a 'J' or anything on his little one. Oh well, there's always next year.


Erin and Jesse said...

No fair! I so want to carve pumpkins. Jesse doesn't seem that into the idea and I almost never have and free time, because of all the overtime at work. I might just carve some pumpkins after Halloween is over.

P.S. You aren't bad parents for forgetting to carve his name. I think you should let him paint a pumpkin though. Syd did a pretty awesome job and I bet Jasper would love it too.

Wilson family said...

There is nothing wrong with carving pumpkins after halloween - just take some time one day and make Jesse do it, I'm sure he'll get into the carving process once you get started :)

Jasper did get to paint a pumpkin at daycare and oh boy, it looks really good! His daycare lady is always doing crafts with them. Yesterday, he came home with a paper mache ghost that is so stinkin' cute. I really have to figure out how to store his artwork - no way I can throw it away!! :)