Sunday, September 27, 2009

Can you hear me now?

With Uncle John calling in the background, Jasper was sure the phone was for Grandpa Paul Saturday during Sydney's soccer games in Stuart.

Even funnier: we at lunch at Legends today (Sunday) after the girls (Nat, Melissa, Debbie, Doris) went to 'Wicked.' The phone kept ringing at the restaurant. Jasper wanted to make sure employees knew to answer the phone so every time it rang he let out his 'Oh!' or 'Wah!' Funny, but I suppose you had to be there.


Erin and Jesse said...

Did someone doctor this photo or someone else made the call for him right? My dad doesn't use cell phones. The only times I have ever seen him use it he had someone else dial it and someone else hang it up.

Wilson family said...

This was a fake call but I can verify that he was indeed using the phone before it became a toy for Jasper.