Monday, September 21, 2009

Hawks day

Nat and I left Jasper with Grandma Vicki in Waukee and headed east Saturday, Sept. 19 with Jared and Heidi Gillespie. Destination: Kinnick Stadium in Iowa City.

The Gillespies were gracious enough to let us use two of their season tickets. The weather was great. The company was even better. And the Hawks dominated Arizona defensively and found their rhythm offensively in the second half. It was 'Blackout' Saturday so it gave us a reason to buy new black T-shirts.

We met up with our friends Matt Hemphill and his girlfriend Sarah Underhill (the Hills), their families and many other tailgaters, including former Simpson roommate Brandon Newell who I see about once every 5 years. Newell and I teamed up to beat Matt's dad and sister in a game of ladder golf, when his sister, Lindsey, was sure they'd win. She should be embarrassed.

We also ran into friends Dan and Erin Benner, who we don't see nearly enough. They're brainwashing their son, Jack, who's about a year younger than Jasper to be an Iowa fan as well. Woo hoo!

Photos in this post include:

- Matt Hemphill, Brandon Newell, Adam and Jared Gillespie

- The Hills (Matt Hemphill and Sarah Underhill), the Gillespies (Jared and Heidi) and us

- Nat, Heidi and Sarah

- The whole tailgating crew (I'm not about to try to list all of 'em)


The Berryman Family said...

AWESOME!!! Looks like tons of fun with lots of great people!!! We miss you guys!!!

Wilson family said...

We miss you guys too. Sometime we'll have to pick a game where we can all make it!