Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reading with the doggies

With Nat gone Tuesday night (volunteering for Hamilton Funeral Home's Little Hands, a grief support group for children who have lost a parent, sibling, etc.) Jasper came with me to a photo shoot at the Norwalk Library. The story was about the library bringing in dogs for young readers to read to, so it involved three of J's favorite things - books, dogs and new people.

He had a heck of a good time for most of the night. We were there approx 1 hour and for the first 30 minutes or so he sat at on a mini-chair at a mini-table playing with a puzzle that had a police car, fire truck, sail boat and air plane. He wouldn't make any noises when playing with the plane or boat, but as soon as he'd pick up the car or truck, the 'bbbbbmmmm-bbbmmm-bbbmmm-vrrrooommm' car noises came out.

He had everybody laughing for a while, which then made him laugh. (He thinks he's pretty funny.)

It got interesting after he lost interest in the puzzle. He immediately introduced himself to the puppies and was a little taken aback by their big, swinging tails. (Coz's tail is about 2 inches long, so we're not used to the whipping motion.)

He talked to the dogs for quite a while between reading sessions before starting to sort the library's books. There was a stack of about 30 books on a chair, and 2-3 at a time he picked them up and brought them to me. Once he had moved the entire pile, I started handing him one book at a time, and he took them back to their original location and stacked them up. (Everything has its place.)

The photo is of Jasper sitting with his new friends, showing the dog how good he can read.

Added note: Didn't know this at the time but the dog in this photo is named Cosmo - just like Jasper P's doggy! (Although we spelled ours 'Cozmo'.)

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