Monday, June 22, 2009

Park, wheel barrows, and my favorite basketball

Jasper and I went to Village Park in Altoona while Adam was shooting the copper creek triathalon. He loved the motorcycle ride-on toy... bounce, bounce, bounce! Oh, and I tried to take a cute photo of just him and I. As you can see, he was not interested in that one bit. There were people to be watched and he could not be bothered (hmmmm...people watcher....wonder where he gets that from - ADAM!)

A couple pictures of daddy taking Jasper P on a wheelbarrow ride around the yard - don't know who enjoyed it more - Jasper P, cozmo, or mommy and daddy watching the look on his face! He was half-terrified and half-smiley! Oh wait, maybe I was the terrified one...hoping he didn't fall forward!

And a picture of his new favorite basketball to go with his basketball hoop from cousin Syd. We went to Sports Authority for Adam to get some new running shoes and found this b-ball. Jasper got this huge smile on his face when I showed it to him and we had to get it, so now he can actually shoot baskets with a b-ball rather than a soccer ball.


Erin and Jesse said...

What a face he's making in the picture of you & him together.

Wilson family said...

Yep ... he's having LOTS of fun with mommy in that pic. (I think he just missed his dad.)