Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter at the Wilsons

Saturday we had Easter at Paul and Debbie Wilson's with the Wilders, Henrys, Niederkleins and great-grandma Doris Diddy.

A wild egg hunt was followed by a big lunch. We flew kites, rode bikes and 4-wheelers — J drove one all by himself!!! — played in the dirt and sand and had a great day.

We even found out that J has his father's skin, pale and easily sun-burned. By the time we got home his cheeks were rosy pink (my forehead was more red than pink) and his hands and wrists that weren't covered by his jacket were a matching shade. (Don't worry, buddy ... today was a once-in-your-lifetime mistake I made, not carrying my sun screen. We'll thwart that darn sun's rays from now on. And someday you and I will invent that SPF 1,000 that'll make us invisible not just to the sun, but to everyone!)

In these photos, Jasper is shown putting eggs into his doggy basket and with grandma Debbie, showing her how much more fun that dead plant is than the egg at the foot of a tree; cousin Sydney Wilder is pretty proud of her basket, which she filled full of eggs; and the kids — cousins Emma and Isaac Henry, J and cousins Syd and Kyren Wilder — pose together after the hunt.

Great times!

I posted a handful of blogs from today, so enjoy!


Nate Westre said...

The sun is the devil.

Erin and Jesse said...

I too could benefit from this magic sunblock. I buy the highest SPF I can find and always get made fun of for it. I'm not stupid I avoid the sun like the devil. I take comfort in the fact that when us pale skins are old we will all have lovely skin and the rest of those people who tan will have lots of leathery wrinkles.