Sunday, April 5, 2009

Birthday party

It took me a week (and one day) but here are a few photos from Jasper's first birthday party. More than 30 people came to grandma Vicki's house in Waukee for the party, which had kind of a puppy theme complete with paw cakes, doggy bone cookies and more.

J got way more gifts than he needed, but he — and we — appreciate them all. He loves the new blocks and musical instruments he got, and did very well unwrapping everything one-by-one and not getting distracted by a certain toy (except maybe his new toy remote control).

Photos in this post include J beginning to unwrap gifts; him celebrating with his own personal cake; J and cousin Syd playing in his new wagon from gma Vicki; J, Syd and aunt Melissa; and the Wilsons (Adam, Nat and J) and the Gillespies (Ami, Payson and Zoe).

More photos to come.

Thanks again to everyone!

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