Saturday, October 12, 2013

Jasper & Avery - "ism's"

A few Jasper and Avery sayings I wanted to get written down: 1. The night of Matt & Amy Hemphill's wedding rehearsal (Jasper is ring bearer), he picked up some acorns from the ground and put them in his pocket. Later that night, he was sitting on the couch with his hand in his pocket for like 20 minutes. I said 'what are you doing?' To which he replied, "just playing with my nuts" and had this really serious look on his face. It was hilarious. 2. He told Adam the following: "Daddy, you're youngish/oldish. You've got sort of a wrinkly face and gray hair, so you're old. And you're young, too." 3. He has been big into rhyming - "store, whore, tore...oh wait whore?" Daddy told him that wasn't a word. 4. Avery's new vocabulary: 1. Yes! (with a slight lisp on the "p") 2. Awery (Avery) 3. Puppy 4. Shelly - grandpa Paul taught her that one, and she says it in a gruff voice when they drive down gramps street too fast. 5. Monboyz (C'mon boys) - grandpa Paul taught her to say to the cows. 6. Issa

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