Thursday, September 5, 2013

First day of kindergarten

Jasper started kindergarten Aug. 19 at Anderson Elementary. His first day went well and he was thrilled that Natalie was at the school waiting for him. He loves stopping by her office to say hi each morning, usually complaining that I didn't let him pick what he ate for breakfast. Of course, on day one, he couldn't escape the traditional 'first day of school' photo on our doorstep. I had to take some photos after school for the paper and happened upon him waiting in line for the bus with his classmates, so I got a couple more. By the looks of that yawn, he was pretty worn out. Turns out they put him on the wrong bus, but it didn't faze him. He made it back to school and was just fine, although he might never forget the bus driver, who made him go up to the wrong house and knock on the door even though Jasper told the driver it wasn't his spot.

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