Monday, September 23, 2013

Kiddo Photos

Our wedding photographer, Sherry Lynn, offered to take some photos of the kids - here they are! These photos make them look so big! I can't believe how fast they grow!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flag football

We're 3/4 of the way through Jasper's first season of football - flag football - and 'Big Red' is starting to round into form. The second graders in the league have separated themselves as the best players, for the most part, but the first graders and kindergartners are holding their own. Jasper had a really nice run today, sweeping left, running around a kid or two and through a group before finally being 'tackled' after about 15 yards. He seems to like it, and the team looks like they're having fun out there, which is all that matters.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Southwest Iowa

Visited Kyl and Ami Gillespie - and their kids - at their new house in Shenandoah over Labor Day weekend. Had a great time and the kids had a blast playing together.

First day of kindergarten

Jasper started kindergarten Aug. 19 at Anderson Elementary. His first day went well and he was thrilled that Natalie was at the school waiting for him. He loves stopping by her office to say hi each morning, usually complaining that I didn't let him pick what he ate for breakfast. Of course, on day one, he couldn't escape the traditional 'first day of school' photo on our doorstep. I had to take some photos after school for the paper and happened upon him waiting in line for the bus with his classmates, so I got a couple more. By the looks of that yawn, he was pretty worn out. Turns out they put him on the wrong bus, but it didn't faze him. He made it back to school and was just fine, although he might never forget the bus driver, who made him go up to the wrong house and knock on the door even though Jasper told the driver it wasn't his spot.

Bye bye training wheels!

Jasper took the plunge last month and hit the road (trail) with no training wheels. It was the second night after I took his training wheel off and, after a couple of tries with me hanging onto his shirt and the seat, I let go and off he went! The trail around Lake Petocka was a perfect place for him to learn.