Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Random Conversations

Jasper Conversations: So, we had a random conversation with Jasper the other day that I didn't want to forget. We were in the bathtub and he asked me how many "butt cheeks" he had. He said, "Riley (our neighbor) told him we all had 10 butt cheeks" but he was just sure that wasn't true. So, he looked at me as serious as ever and asked me how many we had. I told him "two." He said, "seriously, mom?" I said "yes." And he said, "That is what I thought but I didn't know for sure!" Avery Conversations: "No, mommy" or "No, Daddy" Random talk like she knows exactly what she is saying and we nod our head like we also know exactly what she is saying. After eating: "I get down" When wanting to do something herself, "I get it"

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