Jasper has had a great first season of soccer, and the 'Green Machine' has really improved since its first week on the field. Players are more aggressive and every kid has scored at least a couple of goals.
Team photo, front row from left, Belle Patterson, Alex Keene and Jasper Wilson; back row, Jonah Peffer, Caden Schroeder and Addison Brown. (Coaches: David Keene and Adam Wilson)
We had Jasper's preschool graduation today and were lucky enough to have Grandma Vicki, Aunt Melissa and Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Paul join us at Anderson Elementary. There were about 60 preschoolers included, 20 in Jasper's morning class with Miss Kelli. They said the Pledge of Allegiance, performed a couple of songs, a graduation poem and sang out the alphabet before receiving their pre-K diplomas. Jasper did a great job during the performances -- he's not shy at all -- and waited patiently as one of the last to get their diploma. He's made some great friends this year and is truly excited to go to kindergarten in the fall. As Natalie said, how many other kids want to make a countdown till the first day of school? We're thankful for Miss Kelli, Miss Kim and the rest of the staff at Anderson, including Mr. Mills, the principal, whose photo with Jasper is in another post.
Jasper and the rest of the preschool class performed 'Tooty Ta' for the crowd. It was great -- so funny!
"A-tooty ta, a-tooty ta, a-tooty ta-ta ... Thumbs up ... elbows back ... feet apart ... knees together ... Bottoms up ... Tongue out ... Eyes shut ... Turn around ... A-tooty ta, a-tooty ta, a-tooty ta-ta"
Jasper walked into the gym for graduation today in step with his classmates. He looked around a bit and didn't see us because we were all the way across the gym. But Grandpa Paul was standing near their entrance and caught Jasper's eye. They had a quick high five and, as you can see on both their faces, it was a pretty special moment for both of them - and for us looking on.
Jasper Conversations:
So, we had a random conversation with Jasper the other day that I didn't want to forget. We were in the bathtub and he asked me how many "butt cheeks" he had. He said, "Riley (our neighbor) told him we all had 10 butt cheeks" but he was just sure that wasn't true. So, he looked at me as serious as ever and asked me how many we had. I told him "two." He said, "seriously, mom?" I said "yes." And he said, "That is what I thought but I didn't know for sure!"
Avery Conversations:
"No, mommy" or "No, Daddy"
Random talk like she knows exactly what she is saying and we nod our head like we also know exactly what she is saying.
After eating: "I get down"
When wanting to do something herself, "I get it"
Jasper sitting on the sidelines with his friend, Belle...holding hands. They are also in the same preschool class - she's a sweet girl, so we approve Jasper :)
I had a great time celebrating Muffin Mingle with Mom in celebration of Mother's Day at Jasper's preschool. I had blueberry and he had apple cinnamon. We sat by our friends Delaney and Casey McMurray! The kids stood up and got to show off a picture of us that they drew and tell us what they loved most about us. Jasper said his mom makes the best cookies!
We bought some new stools for the kids and didn't exactly realize they'd be a big hit, but they are. So much that they are starting to "fight" for space for them. Somedays they manage to both stand peacefully on them, but other days not so much.
Jasper was getting ready for school the other day, and he looked at us and said, "hey look mom and dad - everything's short on me today" and he then proceeded to point at his tank top (short on his arms), shorts (short on his legs), and shoes (short on his toes). Adam and I looked at each other and said, "good point, buddy, everything is short on you, today!" I love what kids say!
Fun time on Mother's Day. We went out to Grandpa Paul and Grandma Debbie's house for lunch and lots of play time, plus we got to see more family at Cody Sherman's graduation party after he finished at Iowa State. We didn't have a lot of luck getting a good photo of Nat with the kids, but these show some 'character,' I suppose.
On Mother's Day afternoon Jasper put on a show, performing 'Tootie Tot' for all of us, including Grandma Vicki and Great-grandma Doris. Syd and Avery joined in after a while.