Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had some yummy heart-shaped waffles for breakfast on Valentine's Day. Kiddos got some fun gifts from the grandparents and we got Jasper a soccer ball, shinguards, and socks all ready to play soccer this spring. Avery got some Duplo Legos. Jman was excited for his gift and couldn't believe how long the soccer socks were :) Avery eventually appreciated her legos, but after opening them, she was upset and just really wanted a snack, which explains the very sad face. They had a Valentine's Day party at Issa's and Jman had a party at school where he spent the night before the party signing his name to 20 superhero valentines - it was hard work, but so worth it. He got a big sack full of valentine's from his friends. Avery took princess valentines to Issa's and also, in return, got a sack full of goodies from her pals there. Happy Valentine's Day!

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