Saturday, February 4, 2012

No business like snow business

Jasper and I took full advantage of the snow today. After getting bundled up, which takes a significant amount of time for a 3-year-old, we built a 'sledding hill' down the steps of our deck.

I went down the first few times to pack the snow and show J that it would work. (He was skeptical.)

It didn't take him long, though, to start pushing things. He laid on his belly, going face first; he laid on his belly, feet first; on his knees; on his back; and he tried everything with his eyes closed so he could go down the hill 'blind'.

The snow was perfect for snowball fights and building snowmen, so that was next. After some wrestling and a snowball fight (me vs. Jasper vs. Cozmo) we started working on 'Frosty,' as J originally named our snowman.

The Coz put a stop to it at first, pouncing on all of the snowballs before we could roll them to be large enough to use. Once we got him inside, the work really began. I have no clue what those things weighed, but getting the bottom ball in place and the second one lifted on top really took its toll on us. (We both need a nap now.)

Jasper placed the arms (sticks), eyes (black golf balls), nose (a red mini-football) and mouth (rope caulk) and added the corn cob pipe for fun, using the ladder because it was too dang tall otherwise. (Coz was a little nervous having J up there, as was Nat.)

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