Saturday, November 19, 2011

His Father's Son

So...Jasper decided he wanted to make a large fort out of rope. He strategically wrapped the rope around each individual leg of all 3 chairs in the kitchen, about 8-10 times each. Then the rope moved to the handle of the refrigerator door. Next, it moved along the floor to the lamp in the living room and ended with a big pile of hodge-podge stuff, which was the actual fort. Turns out the rope was actually his fence. I say he is his father's son, because this fort and fence was a little over the top meticulous. He spent almost 2 hours and while I dreaded the pick-up afterward, i didn't want to put a damper on his fun. He did help pick it all up, but not before he could show daddy when he got home from work. Oh, boys!

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