Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleepy Avery

Avery has inherited her mom's ability to sleep VERY well :) Here are a couple photos of her sleeping on Adam's arm and in her cozy little sleep rocker. She's about 3 weeks old as I write this and she is definitely having more "awake" times lately, but she usually naps for 2-3 hours in morning and afternoon and then is up every 3 hours to eat and then has fallen right back to sleep during the night. I'm also pretty sure we have a very similar photo of Jman sleeping with his arms above his head. So cute!!

1 comment:

The Berryman Family said...

Yay!!! Lovin' the pics of Avery!!!! Can't believe how big Jasper is - he is so cute ;o) Hope things are going well - keep the pictures coming - I'm your blog stalker!!
Take care, Wilsons!
~ Callie