Monday, August 29, 2011


The Oscar-Mayer Wienermobile made a stop in Altoona yesterday so we had to take Jasper.

He didn't believe us when we told him we were going to look at a big car that looked like a hot dog, even after I showed him a pic of it on the Internet.

Once we got there, though, he thought it was pretty cool, especially after the wiener drivers gave him a whistle and a sticker.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Thank you to John and Roni for this cute little elephant. Avery was having a hard time falling asleep today. She was SO tired and her eyes were SO heavy but she just wouldn't give in and go to sleep. This is her just chilling out, trying to not fall asleep. Adam put the elephant in her arms and she seriously layed there for almost 20 minutes and just cuddled it. Very sweet girl!

State Fair Trip

Jasper was able to take two trips to the Fair this year. One with daddy and then one with mommy, Gma Vicki, Jason, Noah, and Abbie. Unfortunately, it was raining almost the whole time we were there so I didn't get too many photos, but we do go every year with gma vicki and this picture is a tradition for him and Noah, so I wanted to be sure to post.

Tummy Time

Avery having a little tummy time on her boppy...must have weared her out as she fell asleep!

Very Proud Big Brother!

Jasper seems like such a big boy since Avery has joined our family. He has questioned why we have a new sister quite a few times and we tell him that we wanted to grow our family. To which he continues to say "why?" He just doesn't understand why she can't be bigger. He did hit her with a pillow to which he replied, 'I was having a pillow fight with her.' And the latest - he colored on her head. He came into the bathroom and said, "mom, I colored on my baby's head." Sure enough - red and blue crayon marks were on her forehead.

Despite that, he does give her lots of kisses, refers to her as his 'baby,' and looks so cute giving her a little mini-hug to try not to be too rough with her. Lately, he also invites her to lay on his pillow during bedtime. Hope they are best buds one day!!

Sleepy Avery

Avery has inherited her mom's ability to sleep VERY well :) Here are a couple photos of her sleeping on Adam's arm and in her cozy little sleep rocker. She's about 3 weeks old as I write this and she is definitely having more "awake" times lately, but she usually naps for 2-3 hours in morning and afternoon and then is up every 3 hours to eat and then has fallen right back to sleep during the night. I'm also pretty sure we have a very similar photo of Jman sleeping with his arms above his head. So cute!!

More People to Meet Avery

Thanks so much to everyone who has come over to meet Avery! Here are a couple pictures from when the Meyers and Mallory and Jacob (to be the Clevelands come May 2012) came by to visit!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fire pole

Bet you don't know any other 3-year-old with his own fire pole, either.

Thanks Grandpa Paul!

Bet you don't know any other 3-year-old with bull horns on his 4-wheeler.

Thanks Uncle John!

Chasing ducks

Jasper likes to round up Grandpa Paul's ducks. Oddly, the ducks don't seem to enjoy it as much.

Crash 'em up

Syd sure looks intent on crashing Jasper the other day when they were riding trikes!

He didn't seem to mind, and dished it out as well as he took it. (Since they weigh about the same, the impact was pretty even.)


Here's a quick snapshot of the Wilson grandkids at Paul and Debbie Wilson's house the other day.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Iowa State Fair

I had to take a few photos at the Iowa State Fair this morning, so Jasper and I headed over for a while. Photos lasted only about 30 minutes, so the rest of the morning was for fun.

We did a little bit of everything: looking at horses and tractors, playing games and eating. We did a lot of eating.

We started by sharing a corndog, followed by dippin' dots and an A&W root beer. We also grabbed a couple of pork chops on a stick to bring home.

We had a great time!

Monday, August 8, 2011

The boys

Jasper and his buddy Quinton hit the sand box while the gals hung out inside tonight. Fun was had by all, of course, and Jasper - as always - played the clown, ending up in the toy box more than once.

Meetin' the Wilders

The Wilders were on a weekend getaway in St. Louis when Avery was born, so we had to wait to introduce them until Sunday. Here are a few snapshots from the day, including Syd with Avery yesterday and Syd with Jasper in 2008.

Wilsons and Halls

The first picture is of Avery and her friend Harper Hall. The second is of Jasper with his buddy Quinton Hall. See any resemblances?

A few visitors

We had a few visitors today - the Gillespies (Kyl, Ami, Payson, Zoe and Scarlett) in the afternoon and the Halls (Ben, Melissa, Quinton and Harper) this evening.

From top to bottom in this post:

- Avery and Scarlett.

- Avery and Harper.

- Avery w/Payson and Scarlett w/Zoe.

- Avery with Ami.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wide-eyed girl

Here are a few snapshots of Avery wide-eyed after a good meal last night.

Jasper & Avery

Here are the first few picks of very proud big brother Jasper - note the shirt - and his new baby sister Avery, taken around 10:30 a.m. yesterday. Avery was not quite six hours old at that point.

First bath

Nurse Carrie (I think) came in last night to give Avery her first bath around 6 pm. We thought she'd scream through the whole thing - just like Jasper did - but she seemed to enjoy it.