Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pleasant Hill Summerfest

Just a few quick snapshots of Jasper at Pleasant Hill Summerfest on Saturday. It was a little too hot for Nat, so Jasper and I hit the Summerfest parade in the morning and went to Sleepy Hollow for the festivities in the afternoon, including bounce houses and a treasure dig in a giant sand pile. Fun!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Soon ...

This is happening soon ...

More belly pics

Natalie posted a belly photo the other day so I thought I'd show off a few more.

The first is a 'then' and 'now' combination where a photo from approximately Feb. 1, 2008 (Jasper -- left) is shown with one I took a few weeks back of Natalie now (right). These are some of my favorite photos I've ever taken.

The second is a left and right look at Nat's belly now.

Playing in the sprinkler

We beat the heat today by playing in the sprinkler. Really, Jasper did and Nat and I watched. He loves to stand way back and have me do 'Ready, set, go!' before he leaps over the sprinkler, and eventually he moves from the sprinkler to the slide, on which he goes extra fast since he's soaked.

Fun times!

Gettin' dad wet

After playing in the sprinkler today Jasper got after me with the hose. He thought it was pretty fun to spray me. I agreed, although I did what I could to avoid it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sleepy Scarlet

The Gillespies stopped by our house last night for an impromptu BBQ. Jman, Payson, and Zoe entertained themselves in the sandbox while Scarlet and the adults stayed inside where it was cool. (temp. was 98) Although after dinner, Adam, Kyl, and Payson had quite the game of frisbee going on and the big kids (Adam and Kyl) kept throwing the frisbee on or over the roof....yep, that sounds about right! Thanks for stopping by guys, it was good to see you!

Happy 6th Anniversary!

On Saturday, July 9, 2011 Adam and I celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary. We had a low-key night and used a gift certificate to Olive Garden that my mom gave us to enjoy a relaxing dinner, while Jasper hung out with Grandma Vicki for a couple hours. I feel so fortunate to have Adam in my life and as my husband. And adding Jasper almost 3 1/2 years ago and now with another little one on the way, I feel so blessed. He is a wonderful husband, father, and a great best friend. We have so much fun together and I look forward to many, many more years! Jman has a great role model for how to treat his wife one day, that's for sure!

Stacie's Toilet Paper Party

We woke up one Sunday morning to find that our neighbor, Stacie's house, had been tee-peed (I know that's not spelled right). She is a senior on the East High Softball team and they made it to State, so they decorated her house for being a senior and moving on to state. jasper said he wanted to have 'toilet paper party' for his next birthday, as he thought that is what Stacie was having. They even made it complete with sticking red and black (east colors) plastic silverware into the ground.

More Backyard Camping Photos

It was such a beautiful night - nice breeze, not too hot, perfect backyard camping weather! Here are a couple more photos - including Jasper loving his smores! And daddy and Jman had lots of "wunning around" together. One of Jasper's favorite things to do is literally to run around the yard - I think they put in a good mile for as many times as they ran around.

"Camping Out"

This 4th of July we decided to go "camping" - which meant putting up the tent in the backyard. With me being 9 months pregnant, real camping didn't seem like a good option, but hopefully next year we'll bring out the tent again at a real campground! We set up the tent, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, roasted marshmallows for smores and hung out until it was dark enough to do sparklers. We then went inside and slept comfortably in our own beds. Jman loved running around and playing Superheroes in the tent and even Coz got in there to hang with us a couple times.

4th of July Fun

We had a great 4th of July holiday. Here are some photos from the Waukee 4th of July parade - Jasper with Syd and her friends, Adam with baby Gia Parrino, Adam and Daddy, and Jasper waiting for some candy! We had just been to the Bondurant Summerfest Parade a couple weeks earlier, so now our house is filled with plenty of candy. Happy 4th of July!!

Favorite Belly Photo

Adam took some belly photos the other day. Jasper wasn't exactly into it, but we got this shot of both of our hands on the baby and it's one of my favorites!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Jasperisms

More Jasperisms that we want to remember. I love this age - he is saying SO many funny things!

1. Big boy cup with lid = "lid cup"

2. When referring to anytime in the past = "touple weeks ago"

3. When referring to any measurements = "38 percent" (have no idea where that came from)

4. Adam bought little single serving ice creams the other day where a mini spoon is in the lid = "I want ice cream in a lid."

5. When getting ready for daycare and we ask him what bubba (blanket) he wants to take - white or blue, he has to feel them both to see which one. I think whichever one is warmer usually wins!

6. When he is watching a movie and it needs to be paused because it's time for bed, he looks for the "pause remote."

7. He likes his back and belly rubbed before bed and nap - "Rub my belly but don't tickle it." Then he points to where he wants it rubbed and says, 'rub, here and here, etc." And he usually points to the back of his neck, which he really likes to have rubbed.


1. You're not being very nice.

2. I'm not going to play with you for the rest of my life.

3. After a couple minutes of time-out in his room he usually says, "I'll be better."

4. "Holy Shoot" - which he thinks is quite funny to say.

5. "Stupid, hate, dumb." He likes to get them all out at once.

6. "Poop is not a bad wurd if you say it while you're pooping."

7. "Get out of here" or "leave me alone"