Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cool photos (in my opinion)

On a photo shoot for work the other day I went to an Altoona farm where Percheron horses are raised. Here is a small selection of the photos I took, which I thought I'd share because I enjoyed them so much.


Erin and Jesse said...

They're beautiful Adam. I could see them framed hanging in people's houses. I bet my Grandpa Ron would love them. Hmm... Now I wish I had his name for Christmas. Do you think I could get a copy of one of these from you. I might frame it for him for his birthday in January.

Erin and Jesse said...

My mom and I talked about it and if you are willing to let us purchase a photo from you we would love to. We're going to have it framed and give it to grandpa Ron for his birthday in January. I'm sure he'll love that you were the photographer too. I'm sure my mom will try contacting you to talk about this sometime. Just a heads up.