Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Random Sayings

This is just a random post. Jman is now 2 years and almost 3 months and has been talking up a storm lately, so I wanted to write down some of my favorite sayings:

han-der-burg (hamburger) ... edited by Adam.

Mommy, I wanna stwetch out (wanting to stretch out his legs when waking up)

Mommy and Daddy: "Jasper, you're silly!" Jasper: "No, I'm boy!"

miss-issa (Aunt Melissa)

Jasper went up and randomly hugged Adam while saying: "i wuv you two, Daddy"

Jasper's gramps teases him about his sippie cup. Gramps will say, "give me my baby bottle" and Jasper says "no, it's a tup (cup), gramps!"

"I do it!"

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Yep, he sounds like a 2yr old for sure. He sounds like he's a real sweetie.