Friday, May 21, 2010

Dangerous Lunch

Today was my favorite day of the week - my 1 day home with Jasper, yay!! It was a great day, but days like these makes me understand what our sitter, Alissa, says when we pick him up and she says, he's had an "emotional" day!

So, Jasper decided that he wanted to keep his helmet on during lunch today. We had just been outside riding his bike and he threw a fit because it was time to go inside and eat. Well, once I lugged him inside literally kicking and screaming, he decided it was ok to eat but he was going to throw another fit if I was going to take off his helmet. Long story short, we decided to keep the helmet on until he calmed down. I said to him about halfway through the lunch, "you've got to be getting hot with that helmet on" and he agreed, so we were then able to take it off, just in time for nap!

I just had to get a picture and capture this moment. So funny!

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