Friday, May 21, 2010

Wet and wild

So ... there's a walk-through fountain in Altoona where we were tonight, and guess who LOVED it? Yep, Jasper P.

He was soaked (obviously).

Me and the ducks

The three of us went to Music on the Plaza Friday night in Altoona - the first one ever in the new civic plaza/park area near my office that includes a pond, fountains and walking trails. A beautiful spot!

We hung out and listened to music for a while but needed to burn some energy so we walked down the trail to the pond, where there was a momma duck and her ducklings swimming around.

Fun to just sit and watch.

Dangerous Lunch

Today was my favorite day of the week - my 1 day home with Jasper, yay!! It was a great day, but days like these makes me understand what our sitter, Alissa, says when we pick him up and she says, he's had an "emotional" day!

So, Jasper decided that he wanted to keep his helmet on during lunch today. We had just been outside riding his bike and he threw a fit because it was time to go inside and eat. Well, once I lugged him inside literally kicking and screaming, he decided it was ok to eat but he was going to throw another fit if I was going to take off his helmet. Long story short, we decided to keep the helmet on until he calmed down. I said to him about halfway through the lunch, "you've got to be getting hot with that helmet on" and he agreed, so we were then able to take it off, just in time for nap!

I just had to get a picture and capture this moment. So funny!


Melissa Wilder had some Photoshop fun this morning after I ran across this photo titled 'wierd mustache daddy'. Natalie took the photo in February 2009 as I was shaving my beard.

Melissa: shouldn't you be working?!?!?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

And more ...

The one of all the gals is from the rehearsal dinner Friday, May 14 at the River Valley Golf Course clubhouse in Adel. The others are from the reception.

Couple more ...

A couple more pictures from Autumn and Matt's wedding. If anyone is interested in copies, you can click on the photos and a larger version will appear, which you can just pull straight off the Internet. I'm making a CD for Autumn and Matt of the photos I took and you can get them from her when they get back from Las Vegas. Or let me know and I can make more copies.

Boogie woogie

Just a couple of snapshots from the Parrino reception of Jasper getting funky. He LOVED showing off his moves and running around on the dance floor.

Swallow-Parrino wedding

Natalie's cousin Autumn Swallow married Matt Parrino Saturday, May 15 in Waukee, with a reception at the golf course conference center in Panorama. Here are a few snapshots from the reception, with a few more to follow.

Congratulations guys!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pics from Melissa

Two photos Melissa Wilder sent me a while back. One from my 30th birthday party awhile back (the playground) and another from Easter when I made Cozmo pose with me. I may have the days wrong, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mud puddles!

Jasper took full advantage of his rain boots the other day and splish-splashed around in the mud puddles at the Izaak Walton League south of Indianola.

We were there because I had to take some photos of the Southeast Warren trap shooting team.

Jasper had a good time and made LOTS of friends.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

J and I made Natalie breakfast this morning and then we just spent most of the day hanging out together before nap time. Later in the afternoon we went to Grandma Vicki's house for dinner and to celebrate a few family birthdays - J helped cousin Perri with her cake - and, of course, Mother's Day. J took time away from cake and playing with the girls to have a deep conversation with great grandpa Trissel.

A very happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there. We love you.

Shirne Circus

The three of us went to Jasper's first circus April 29 at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines. It was the Shrine Circus and it was fun, but we had some mixed results.

Jasper LOVED the bears, especially when they rode their bicycle and motorcycle but didn't care much for the clowns. He liked watching the people on the trapeze but wasn't at all interested in the gals spinning by their necks high above us - yelling 'motorcycle bear' while they were performing. He also really liked watching the elephant and pony rides before the show and during intermission, but the lines were too long so we didn't actually hop on. (He still talks about the smelly elephants - 'Ewwww.')

The show was just too darn long so we left at intermission. But before we left we tried to get a photo with the clowns, which resulted in some tears. The night was saved, though, when one of the clowns gave Jasper and I red noses.

Trip to the dentist

Jasper had his first dentist appointment April 28 with Dr. Apodaca in West Des Moines. Natalie and her family has been going to doc since she was in junior high.

Jasper didn't mind the hygenist gals — and they liked him and gave him TWO stickers (on his shirt) — but he didn't care much for the doc. J cried through most of the short exam but calmed down and enjoyed playing with the big teeth/toothbrush and watching Nat get her teeth cleaned.

He's showing off the bubblegum toothpaste and new toothbrush Dr. Apodaca gave him. Now, every time he brushes his teeth, he calls the toothbrush the 'Ap-o-doc.'

Badass mothers

Yeah, we're bad. And we ride motorcycles. And we wear shades when we ride.

The gals

Natalie and her cousins are the bridesmaids for her cousin Autumn Swallow's wedding coming up on May 15.

This photo was taken at Autumn's bachelorette party during a 'pajama' party at Allison Smith's house.