Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Fun with Family

We had a great time at the easter egg hunt with the Trissel side - family, fun, egg hunt, candy, pinata - what more could you ask for? To keep things fair, each kid got assigned a specific color to hunt - Jasper had Green. He made for an interesting hunt as he had to take everything out of the egg as soon as he found it rather than waiting until the end, like the rest of the kids. he even got dollars (dolla - in Jasper talk)!

We tried to get all the kids together for a picture, but Jman wasn't having it - hence, the basketball in his hands to try and use as a distraction :)

Aunt Jody was practicing taking photos with macy's camera. Macy is studying photography at school, so her and Adam are the new family photographers!

And all of us cousins and spouses got a group photo, too!

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