Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy haircut (No. 3)

Jasper's day care provider Alissa Bailey gave him a much needed haircut today. It had been quite a while and he was pretty shaggy. He needed a summer 'do as the weather warms up.

If I'm not mistaken, it's his third cut, and first by Alissa.

Alissa said they made haircut time fun by singing songs and having his friend Quinn McMurray sit next to him and tell him all about her recent haircut. (What a good friend!)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog changes

As I'm sure you can tell, I made some changes tonight to the blog. Thought I'd spruce it up a bit.

If you like it, let me know. If you hate it, let me know. If you don't care and just want more photos of Jasper in his underwear, stay tuned, because I'm sure there are more to come.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big boy underwear!!!

Jasper has been showing more and more interest in going 'poppy' in the toilet. We got a seat for the big toilet and a potty of his own, which he really likes to sit on although he hadn't yet 'sealed the deal' yet on it.

We're also having him wear his big boy underwear every now and then to get him used to them and, of course, I couldn't resist snapping a photo. (I'm sure he'll hate this photo some day. Oh well.)

Atta boy!

More fun with Ava

So ... I forgot that we had two cameras out while Ava Norem stayed the night last weekend, so I'm just getting around to loading these.

As you can see, they had a great time together.

Following the order of the photos:

Jasper is showing Ava around the neighborhood from our front door, and telling her about one of his favorite neighbors, Gary. He even pointed out Gary's big, gray van.

The two of them broke out J's new fire gear, including his fire 'ex-ting-shusher.'

J was SO EXCITED to show off the Elmo camera he got for his birthday that he missed the chair and crashed onto his butt. (He was fine, although his ego must've taken a small hit.)

Ava stood still long enough for us to snap a photo of them with stickers on their hands and arms. J ... not so much.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sleepover with Ava

Right now, as I type, young Jasper P has a girl in his room.

Around 2 p.m. today Hank and Melissa Norem dropped their daughter Ava off for a sleepover while they went to a wedding in Kansas City. We've been playing hard ever since - riding bikes, eating ice cream and about everything else you can think of.

Here's just a few photos I took of the play time, including Ava pulling Jasper in our wagon, climbing around on the jungle gym and playing in the sand pile.

Now they're both sound asleep in Jasper's bedroom - Jasper in his crib, Ava in the pack-and-play. They were asleep about 1 minute after we laid them down and we haven't heard a peep out of either.

Fun, fun!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Watch closely

After a spirited game of 'Bay-ball!' yesterday during our day off, Jasper started running around the house, hiding from us.

Check out this short video. Notice Nat beaning J with the soft HULK ball?

That wasn't very nice, mommy.

It's a giant!!!

I found some of my old Starting Lineup figurines (they're NOT dolls!) in the basement the other day. Jasper is a HA-YUGE baseball fan already, so it was time for me to pass them down to him.

Simply put, he loves them. He lines them up in bunches around the house and, of course, celebrates by yelling 'BAY-BALL!!!'

He's also really gotten into playing 'Bay-ball', and we do that with the soft bat he got for his birthday. Nat and I pitch every ball J can find (footballs, etc) and he does his best to catch up with my fastball. Luckily, we've only beaned him a couple of times. (It hasn't slowed him down yet.)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I like the Easter Bunny

Jman had a great visit with the Easter Bunny this year! He gave him a high five, sat on his lap, and hung out long enough for us to get a picture. He normally doesn't like "big furry" characters, so we were pleasantly surprised at him liking the Easter Bunny so much.

AND of course, the Choo-Choo is always a big hit! We were at the mall on a quiet Tuesday night and Jman got to ride the train all by himself and he loved every minute of it, mr. big man!!!

Easter Fun with Family

We had a great time at the easter egg hunt with the Trissel side - family, fun, egg hunt, candy, pinata - what more could you ask for? To keep things fair, each kid got assigned a specific color to hunt - Jasper had Green. He made for an interesting hunt as he had to take everything out of the egg as soon as he found it rather than waiting until the end, like the rest of the kids. he even got dollars (dolla - in Jasper talk)!

We tried to get all the kids together for a picture, but Jman wasn't having it - hence, the basketball in his hands to try and use as a distraction :)

Aunt Jody was practicing taking photos with macy's camera. Macy is studying photography at school, so her and Adam are the new family photographers!

And all of us cousins and spouses got a group photo, too!

Egg hunt at the Wilsons

Jasper and Syd had a good time hunting Easter eggs at grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie's, but one round was about enough for J. He had bikes and 4 wheelers to ride.

Coloring Easter eggs

We colored three dozen Easter eggs at grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie's house with the Wilders on Saturday. Jasper only spilled one bowl of dye and really did have a great time dropping eggs into the bowls and stirring them up with the spoon.

Great times!

Riding bikes, 4 wheelers and more

We had a great time out and grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie's house for Easter, including the time we spent riding bikes, 4 wheelers and anything else with wheels. Cousin Sydney Wilder is getting pretty good on a bike, and just about 2 weeks after getting his, Jasper's following right along.

But the big hit at grandpa and grandma's is the 4 wheeler(s). They have a kid-sized one they can drive by themselves and, of course, the big one.

They puttered around on the small one and we rode for miles and miles on the big one — with Cozmo following right beside us.