Thursday, February 26, 2009

Playing in the Snow

Since we live in Iowa and need to get J-Man used to snow on the ground for 5-6 months out of the year, we decided it was warm enough a couple weekends ago to make the best of it, put on our gear, and head out into the "white" yard!

Jasper had no fears - he got right down on his hands and knees and started crawling around in the snow, sometimes slipping and his face would end up in the snow, but he got right back up for more! Cozmo, of course, loved the fact that we were actually outside in his yard for the first time in months so he was VERY playful! And Daddy enjoyed being the 'bully' throwing little snowballs at J-Man - but of course, he loved it, as he usually laughs and giggles when daddy rough-houses him.

After a little while, J-Man's little cheeks were rosy and snow had gotten into his snowpants so we decided to go inside. No hot cocoa after a day of playing in the snow yet, but give it a couple years and we'll enjoy some fun "snow" time and come inside for some hot cocoa.

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