Thursday, February 26, 2009

Roy's birthday

Great-aunt Phyllis Irish sent over a couple of photos from her husband Roy's 70th birthday party. It wasn't Jasper's normal eatin' seat, but it did the job.

Playing in the Snow

Since we live in Iowa and need to get J-Man used to snow on the ground for 5-6 months out of the year, we decided it was warm enough a couple weekends ago to make the best of it, put on our gear, and head out into the "white" yard!

Jasper had no fears - he got right down on his hands and knees and started crawling around in the snow, sometimes slipping and his face would end up in the snow, but he got right back up for more! Cozmo, of course, loved the fact that we were actually outside in his yard for the first time in months so he was VERY playful! And Daddy enjoyed being the 'bully' throwing little snowballs at J-Man - but of course, he loved it, as he usually laughs and giggles when daddy rough-houses him.

After a little while, J-Man's little cheeks were rosy and snow had gotten into his snowpants so we decided to go inside. No hot cocoa after a day of playing in the snow yet, but give it a couple years and we'll enjoy some fun "snow" time and come inside for some hot cocoa.

My first Valentines Day

Jasper had a great first Valentines Day! He decorated his very own valentine bag at miss alissa's and got valentines from all the daycare kids, he made special valentines for family with his handprint, and then made pink hearts for his friends at daycare. He got "where is baby's belly button" from mom and dad with a great big construction paper heart!

J-man had his very first date with grandma Vicki on Valentines night while Adam and I enjoyed a nice evening at Kearney's Restaurant in Carlisle - a quaint little, romantic restaurant, and then headed off to see Gran Torino (great movie!).

We love you, Jasper, our little valentine!

It's......A Rubber Band Ball

Jasper got the chance to play with Adam's homemade rubber band ball! It's practically as big as he is!! Daddy has some "different" hobbies, and as much as I tease him about this, it's actually quite impressive! Amazingly, he still finds rubber bands to fit the ball, but to be on the safe side, he wears gloves when wrapping the bands around it - because whey they snap - it's seriously DANGEROUS!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photo work

Aunt/sister Melissa Wilder has been playing around with some new photo editing software and gave us two manipulated pics — one of Jasper's bright blue eyes made even blue-er and one of Nat's pregnant belly with she and I making a heart on it with our hands.
Pretty cool.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Zoe

We took a trip up to Gladbrook for Zoe Gillespie's 3rd birthday.  We rode with Heidi and Jared and Jasper stared at Heidi practically the whole trip.  He was curious why mommy and Heidi were sitting in the back with him.

We got to Gladbrook and Zoe was very excited that we were there so she could open her gifts.  Ami made a two-tiered rice crispie treat cake - not only was it a hit with Zoe...but also with Adam. 

Happy Birthday Zoe!

A Day with Family

We made a visit to see great grandpa Bob and Grandma Rita a couple weekends ago.  Kathy and Jeremiah were also there.  Kathy wore her "baby bait" necklace and was a big hit with Jasper.  That afternoon we had lunch with Grams and Gramps Wilson and the Wilders.  And that night, we celebrated Roy's 70th b-day at the Irish household. 

The Vacuum is so fun!

J-Man has discovered a new ride!  He loves to hop on and take a cruise around the house when I take out the center of the vacuum to clean the furniture.  Unfortunately, minutes after this photo was taken he had a little fall off his ride, but he was a trooper and got back on for more.  He loves when daddy goes fast!


Adam, Jasper, and I decided to order some pizzas and stay in for this year's Super Bowl.  Adam had a couple beers and I guess decided to make one of his bottles into a toy for Jasper - hmm....not exactly the toy I would like him to play with, but daddy made sure no underage drinking took place :)

Happy 'Early' Valentines Day

Here is Jasper in the process of making his first Valentines!  With red construction  paper, pink paint, and a special handprint from J-Man, his valentines will soon be complete! It was a little messy, but we didn't care.