Thursday, January 22, 2009

Going in ... and coming out

Pics Nat took of the J-man and I entering and leaving the pool tonight. The water was very warm (might have something to do with all the little kids) and J had a great time!

Not sure what's going on with my facial expression coming out, but I'm sure it was the excitement from 45 minutes swimming with babies.

First swim class

Tonight was Jasper's first swim class ... and he loved it!

It wasn't the first time he was in a pool — that was at Kyren's birthday party at Americinn in Stuart — and I think having already been in a pool helped tonight. 

We sang songs, swam around, played with bath toys and just had a darn good time in the warm water at Ruby Van Meter School in Des Moines.

About 10 other kids and their parents enjoyed the warm water with us, while Nat and others watched. (We thought only one parent could be in the water at once, but that's not the case. She'll join us in the water very soon!)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally ... Santa Claus!!!

(Note: we saved this post at the beginning of December when we couldn't get the photos to load. I'm trying again. Keep your fingers crossed.)

Jasper met Santa Claus for the first time Nov. 28 during Christmas in Olde Town (Altoona).

As you can see he was a little nervous at first but he warmed up to the Jolly One quickly and then couldn't take his eyes off the beard.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

REWIND....more Christmas photos!

Tried to get all photos on one post, but it didn't work - check out text below on these photos from the Wilson side Christmas on Christmas Eve. 

(Note: photos wouldn't load for some reason so we'll have to get them online later.)

REWIND....more christmas photos!

We finally downloaded photos from Christmas Eve, so thought we'd post.  We celebrated with the Henderson side - Great Grandma Henderson and great Aunt Candy over at Grandma Vicki's house.  Jasper opened up his very first x-mas present that afternoon - it was an outfit from Great Grandma Henderson, which he pushed all the way over to between her feet and thought it would be best to open right by her.   

That night, we headed out to Jeff & Gina's house in Stuart and opened a few gifts with the Wilson side.  As you'll see in the photo, Jasper enjoyed getting in the middle of the 'white elephant gift exchange' circle.  Adam made out with "the worlds most difficult puzzle" and Natalie with a teal purse - SCORE :)

We had a great start to the Christmas Holiday with our families!  

Happy New Year 2009

To celebrate New Years Eve, we had a great night with Ami and Kyl Gillespie.  J-Man rang in the New Year with Grams and Gramps Wilson and Cousin Sydney.  We then watched Iowa beat South Carolina New Years Day at the Swallows.  We  ended the day over at the Smiths with a birthday celebration for Payton, Great Grandpa Trissel, Tim, and Aunt Jody.  It was a great first New Years!

I (heart) mom

Thought I'd get a photo of J-Man's PJ's dedicated to the LOVE he has for his mommy!  Thanks to my friend, Katie Sellers, who gave these to us when J-Man was born.  

Kyren's swimming party

To celebrate cousin Kyren's birthday, Melissa and Ken invited everyone to a swimming party at AmericInn in Stuart on Jan. 3.

It was a good time with a lot of people there to celebrate before Kyren flew home to Virginia.

It was also the first time Jasper has been in a pool and, besides the first time grandpa Paul tried to put his feet in the water, he handled it very well. I think he may even have enjoyed himself, although he got a little chilly so we go out after about 20-30 minutes.

It was a good test, though, as Nat and I are deciding whether or not to take him to an infant swim class in Des Moines this month.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Extreme close up!

Was trying to get a pic of J's sticky-up hair the other night but instead got a close-up view of his face when he looked straight up into the camera. This one shows his weird bottom tooth, which a dentist friend of ours says could be 'fused.' Don't know much about that, but he says it's nothing to worry about ... so we won't.