Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Caught in the act!

Jasper, being mobile now, cannot be trusted alone. If he's not getting Cozmo's dog food in the kitchen, he's grabbing for the electrical cords for the radio in his bedroom. (No, we have not baby-proofed Casa de Wilson yet.)

Tonight I left him playing alone with a stuffed football on his bedroom floor. He also had a favorite bath-time toy so I figured he was cool for the 1 second it would take me to walk to the kitchen, start the dish washer, and walk back to his room.


Not a punishable offense by any means, but Jasper had army crawled (he's not officially crawling yet) across the room and wanted to get his hands on his car seat. I found him halfway across the floor so I grabbed the camera to snap a few shots — crawling toward the seat, rocking it back and forth and (gasp!) getting caught in the act! 

What I didn't get a photo of, though, was him pulling it forward far enough that when it rocked back, it'd catch him in the chin every time. By his smile it must've been more fun than it looked.

These photos are the progression of him crawling over, playing, getting caught (surprise!) and deciding that he'd go back to playing.

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