Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Saturday afternoon in

With mom judging a hat contest at Prairie Meadows in honor of the Breeders Cup, Jasper and dad spent a Saturday playing on the floor with blocks, wrestling and hanging out with the Coz.

By the way, you can see J's first tooth — barely — if you look close enough at the photo of him smiling. He had a tough day last week and a bit last weekend so we thought something was going on, and when he chewed on our fingers we could feel it ready to pop through. Monday, Oct. 20 we saw the top of his first tooth and it looks like there might be two or three more ready to come through any day now.


Erin and Jesse said...

Your boys look good together.

emgpkg said...

He looks so sweet! I love his hair do in the first picture!! Hope you all are doing well.