Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Mohr's Celebration!

We ventured off to Pittsburg, Kansas to help Jason and Katie Mohr celebrate their wedding! We had such a fun time! I don't think we have danced that hard since....well....I don't really know when. The DJ brought out the old school hip-hop (Ice Ice Baby, Warren G, etc.) and we just couldn't help ourselves. From hanging out with everybody at the Lamplighter Inn & Suites, to the beautiful ceremony, and great reception - it was a nice weekend getaway complete with the wedding of two great people!

While mom and dad were off having some fun, Jasper P was also having his own fun. He stayed with The Wilsons out on the farm and got into all sorts of trouble :) Grandpa Paul fed the J-man his first solid food - applesauce - to which it sounds like he couldnt' get enough. He also was introduced to a very slow, but fun 4-wheeler ride with his cousin Sydney. Grandma Debbie even got to spend some alone time with the J-Man on Saturday. When we picked up the two boys (Cozmo and Jasper), they were both tuckered out from a nice weekend! Thanks, guys, for watching our little guy! He is already asking when he can come back! (and Cozmo is still sleeping to recover)...

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