Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our First Outing Apart

Adam and I ventured up to Okoboji this weekend for a wedding while the J-Man stayed in Waukee with Grandma Vicki. It was SO hard to leave him, but we are incredibly thankful to have wonderful families that he can stay with!

Jasper even had lots of visitors while cruisin' the town of Waukee - great grandma & grandpa trissel, great grandma alice, sandy and junior, autumn and matt, and jody. Thanks, everyone, for loving him up while we were away!

Despite missing him like crazy, we had a fun time in Okoboji with friends - Heidi and Jared Gillespie, Matt Hemphill and Sarah Underhill, Clint Berryman - and the now newlyweds, Matt and Molly Johnson. We went boating, ate at one of our favorite spots - Mrs. Lady's (if you ever go there, Adam would highly recommend the "insane taco"), played some games, just hung out, and enjoyed a great wedding! Congrats to Matt & Molly. And to Callie, the Norems, and Jason & Katie, if you're reading this, we missed you guys! It's always so much fun getting together with the Simpson gang - can't wait to introduce Jasper to those of you who haven't met him yet!! And thanks again to the Gillespies for letting us have an awesome place to stay while we were there!

OH, and I almost forgot - Cozmo also had a great weekend out at the farm with grams and gramps! He was even introduced to his first raccoon.....

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