Monday, June 30, 2008

A Fun Day with the Family

On Saturday, June 28, 2008 we headed to the Art Show at the Fairgrounds and then came back to our house for a BBQ.  We had such a great time with everyone.  Even Miss Syndey got to take a cruise with Adam on the bike! 


What exactly are those things down there, why do they move, and how can I get them in my mouth?

Just hanging out

Enjoying a beautiful Sunday afternoon under a shade tree in the backyard. 

It's bright out here...

Better put on my shades!

My new favorite chair

I have graduated from my 'bee' chair to the bouncy seat.  This is my favorite chair both at daycare and at home.  When I get crazy and my arms and legs fly everywhere, this seat sure can bounce! But I also like to just chill in it, too. 

I'm 3 months today!

June 24, 2008
...And I'm all partied out!

Hey Dad...

...I believe Mom just wants me in the picture?!

Another Great Father's Day Photo

This was another cute photo taken by Melissa out at the Wilson's for Father's Day - what a great group of proud dads!

It's Cozmo's Turn to Shine

So now that all of our pictures feature our little man, Jasper... big brother Cozmo sometimes gets an "envious" bug and wants his picture taken. This picture was taken by Aunt Melissa Wilder out in the daisies at the Wilson's House. It is such a great picture, and I laugh just thinking how happy Cozmo was just to have one picture focus on him and ONLY him!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Asleep at the Parade

As you can see, Jasper could not hold back his excitement at the Bondurant Summerfest parade - I was sure to take full advantage of the tootsie rolls that came his way...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Carnival Time

Jasper enjoyed his first parade and carnival a couple weeks ago at Bondurant Summerfest. He did sleep through the entire parade, but I know there will be plenty more to see for many years to come! We also stopped at a park on our way home from the carnival and Adam got some cute shots on the jungle gym - it was such a fun night!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father's Day

I couldn't have asked for a better Father's Day. Natalie and Jasper took me to Perkins for breakfast then we headed home to open my first Father's Day gift, a bracelet with Jasper's initials on it.

We loaded up the car — Cozmo too — and headed out to mom and dad's for the afternoon. We grilled lunch and just hung outside, enjoying a beautiful day - swinging, talking and watching The Coz play in the small water bowl. It was great to be able to spend Father's Day with as much of our immediate family as could be there.

We went to the Weller's in Waukee for the evening. Jasper got passed around all night, just like he did at the Wilson's, while The Coz hung out at Vicki's with Sadie.

Thanks everyone for a great first Father's Day!

Motorcycle man!!!

For the first time of many, I'm sure, Jasper got on my motorcycle. Geez, since I've only put about 10 miles on it this year he's been on it about as long as I have!!!

Hi Elli!

Longtime friend and now Missouri resident Elli Christenson visited last week. Thanks for stopping by, Elli!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bald guys

Neither Jasper nor great-grandpa Bob Wilson have much hair, but I'd say they're both still pretty cute in their own ways. This photo was taken April 11 during a visit to our house by the great-grands — Bob and Rita — and grands — Paul and Debbie. And we can't forget about Syd coming to see her baby cousin, too!

Great grandpa Bob is sick right now and staying at the Kavanagh House in Des Moines. That — and the fact he was chased from his original room by rising water due to heavy rains — didn't stop him from entertaining Jasper when we visited on Friday, June 6, which just happened to be Bob and Rita's 62nd anniversary.

We've had a good time listening to stories this past week and some of great-grandpa Bob's jokes, but I better not type all of them in this space — it is, of course, a family blog!

We love you grandpa Bob ... feel better!!!

Let's try this again ...

Here's just a small selection of the 'Faces of Jasper.' The last post with similar photos didn't work out like I wanted, and now I can't seem to get the darn thing removed from the page so just scroll past that one when you get to it.

Anyway, we've got here Serious Jasper, what looks to be Surprised Jasper, Silly Jasper and, of course, Very Smiley Jasper. You'll normally see Serious Jasper or Very Smiley Jasper, but if you 'woof' him at the right time you get a great Surprised Jasper, too. (Grandpa Paul goes the best woofin'!)

These were taken by me - Dad - June 2 during a visit by Nat and J to my office in Altoona. Of course I had to get out the camera!

Sports fans!!!

It didn't take long for Jasper to join his dad as one of the 50 remaining NBA fans in the world. We chilled on the couch Thursday, June 5 with The Coz, watching the Boston Celtics win game 1 of the NBA finals against the Lakers. (Check out J's eyes in the top shot - he's actually watching the game!)

I guess I didn't get the memo that we were supposed to close our eyes in the second shot!

The faces of Jasper

There's plenty of others, but here we've got happy face Jasper, serious face Jasper and ... let's just call it silly face Jasper. We'll leave it up to you, the readers, to decide which ones are which.

This happened to be earlier this week when Nat decided to bring J in to my office for a visit. I had the camera all good to go but didn't catch the best smiles he had for me. That's OK, there'll be plenty more of those to come!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Watch Dog

Cozmo making sure that nobody steps on his brother when he's playing on the floor.

My parents

Cuddlin' up with mom and reading a book with my dad!

Telephone Anyone?

Jasper's new favorite toy - his telephone rattle...he holds it, but not exactly up to his ear...

Congrats Macy!

The family getting ready to head over to Macy's graduation party - can't believe she has graduated high school! So glad Jasper could be a part of her day! 

Who's got cute feet?

Look how small my feet are compared to my mommy's big feet!

Jasper and the Gang

Last week was also Jasper's first day at daycare.  Alissa is taking great care of him while we're at work and Jasper is LOVING all the other kids! Alissa says his favorite thing to do is just sit in the bouncy seat and watch everyone play.   She also has a journal for him where she writes down everyday when he eats, diaper changes, his mood, etc. - it is such a great thing to read to catch up on all that we missed out on during the day.  Thanks, Alissa, for helping to make the transition to daycare so good for our little guy! 

My First Band-Aids!

Jasper was such a brave guy through his first set of shots last week! Overall, he had a great 2-month appointment, weighing 12 lbs. 4 oz. and in the 50 percentile for both his weight and height.