Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Jasper!

March 24, 2012 - Jasper's 4th Birthday! We celebrated with two parties! One with the Wilson side and some friends and the other with mommy's side of the family. Jasper got alot of great gifts, including superheros, and our gift to him was an Optimus Prime Bike. He was excited about it, but wanted to read his new superhero book before he took his bike out for a spin! His birthday party was an Iron Man theme complete with a cookie cake and cherry chip cake, which had a spiderman topper instead of Iron Man, but it was in the superhero family, so he was ok with it. Thanks to everyone for helping him celebrate! On his actual birthday after we gave him his presents, he kept saying, "thanks so much mom and dad for my presents - I love them!"

1 comment:

The Berryman Family said...

Adorable!!! Love the pics - both kids are getting so big!!!! They are too cute ;o)
Take care Wilsons!