Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Day at Issa's Daycare

Monday, Oct. 3 marked the first day at Issa's Daycare and the last day of my maternity leave. It was such a wonderful 8 weeks. I'm going to get just a picture of the girl and I and write a seperate "maternity leave" post, like I did with I'll get to that soon. But here are a few pictures of us dropping both kiddos off. We are so fortunate to have found Issa. Jasper has had a wonderful 3 1/2 years there and we know Avery will have just as fun. It's amazing home times change - none of the kids that were there when Jasper started are still there - they've all grown up and gone to school or moved, etc. At Issa's now, are his best girl buds - Quinn and Delaney McMurray, Titan, Jill, and sometimes Leo and Xavier.

The first week has gone great so far! And Issa said that when Avery cried, Jasper would say, "I think she misses my mommy." After we pick him up, Jasper will usually tell us if she cried that day or that his sister isn't old enough to do crafts or eat lunch with them. He also throws in there that Issa said, "I was a dood (good) boy." He has also told us what happens with some of the other kids ("Guess what mom and dad - Jill pottied in Issa's bed AND in the hallway.") That is his latest story.

Each morning, the kids usually huddle around Avery when we drop her off and rock her carseat. Delaney usually wrestles with Adam and Quinn makes sure Avery has her blanket and is ok. Titan does his own thing, but always has this huge smile on his face! And speaking of smile, when we were leaving Avery the first day, Issa was holding her in her arms and Avery had the biggest grin on her face just looking at Issa - that was definitely the best picture to leave, too - knowing that her and Jasper are in good hands while mommy and daddy work is so important to us!

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