Friday, August 5, 2011

It's a girl!!!

Avery Linn Wilson was born at 3:54 a.m. this morning, weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and measuring 20 inches long.

She and Natalie are healthy and happy, and Avery was wide-eyed as soon as she was born.

Grandma Vicki and great-aunt Sandy were in the lobby waiting, so they were Avery's first two visitors. Then came great-grandpa Bob Trissel.

We made the announcement via phone to my parents, sister and Natalie's brother, then sent an enormous number of texts.

Here's a few replies:

- Casey McMurray: Yea!!! LOVE the name!! Glad everyone is well!!

- Dan Benner: Congratulations! Just keeper her away from guys like we were in college. (I don't know what he's talking about.)

- Tim Smith: Woohoo! Great news! Beautiful name. Congrats to you and Nat! Can't wait to meet her!

- Allison Smith: Congrats! Love the name! Can't wait to get a bow on that baby's head!

- Alissa Bailey: So happy for you guys! What a beautiful name! What a blessing. Tell Nat I told her it was going to be a girl. Yay

- Suzy Malloy: Congrats!! Guess we were wrong on another boy!! Love the name. Glad everyone's doing well.

- Autumn Swallow: Holy cow that was fast! Good job Nat and Avery!

There are many, many others. Thanks to all for the well wishes!

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