Saturday, July 23, 2011

More belly pics

Natalie posted a belly photo the other day so I thought I'd show off a few more.

The first is a 'then' and 'now' combination where a photo from approximately Feb. 1, 2008 (Jasper -- left) is shown with one I took a few weeks back of Natalie now (right). These are some of my favorite photos I've ever taken.

The second is a left and right look at Nat's belly now.


The Berryman Family said...

We can't wait to find out who's hiding in Natalie's ever-expanding belly!!!! So excited - we'll be praying for a safe and healthy deliver for baby and mama... Love to you guys!!!
~ Callie

Wilson family said...

Thanks Callie ... Can't wait to share the news. Today was the due date but not much is happening yet. It'll happen as soon as he/she is ready, I suppose.