Saturday, April 23, 2011

Waukee Easter egg hunt

We headed west to hit the Waukee Easter egg hunt Saturday morning. It was cold and windy but the weather didn't dampen anyone's spirits, especially all the kids lined up to gather candy and see the Easter bunny.

Jasper got a bucketful of candy and scoured the ground until the last few bits were picked up.

Then we headed over to say hi to the Easter bunny with cousin Dom.


1. Jasper, Easter bunny, Dom and Autumn.

2. J and the Easter bunny

3. Dom (Yes, that’s a smile!)

4. Dom, Autumn, Natalie and J

5. J and his favorite snack – a sucker

6. Ethan Meyer

7. Isabelle Meyer

8. Dom

9. J

10. Nat and J

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