Sunday, September 12, 2010


So now that J is talking more than ever - and that's A LOT - we thought we better do another installment of quotes from Jasper. (By the way, this is J getting an 'airplane ride' from me this morning.)

Here we go ...

"Who's that somebody?!?!": Said when he hears a noise outside or sees someone he doesn't know. (Also: "Who IS that somebody?!?!")

"Pun" or "punny": He says 'p' instead of 'f', so that's actually 'fun' and 'funny', as in, "You're punny grandpa" or "That's gonna be so pun!"

"Way": Things aren't just fun or weird or yummy to Jasper, they're 'Way fun', 'Way weird' or 'Way yummy.'

"Please do that any more.": Said when he doesn't want you to do something any more. (He always misses the 'don't'.)

"How's your day?": Said at any point during the day - morning, noon or night, sometimes right when he wakes up. And he'll often ask you multiple times during the same 'conversation' about your day. (He's very polite.)

"Mommy, Daddy ... I wake up!!!!!": This is how he announces to us in the morning or after a nap that he's ready to get out of his big boy bed.

"Boy big bed.": He often flips 'big' and 'boy' when talking about his 'big boy bed.'

"Mother Juice." Referring to his favorite book at the moment - a large collection of Mother Goose nursery rhymes.

"I wanna watch racecars.": Saying he'd like to watch the animated movie 'Cars.'

"Watch out for Big White (or Big Blue).": He tells us this when we're backing out of the garage, depending on if we're in Big White (my car, an Oldsmobile) or Natalie's car (a blue Honda).

"What color is it ... Can I see it?": Asked while we're changing a poopy diaper. (He's very curious.)

"Ruff, ruff ... open the door, I want inside (or outside)": We asked J what Cozmo said and this was his quote.

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