Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nothing Like a Garage Sale Bargain!

i met up with Melissa Wilder, Gina Sherman, and Gina's sister, Mandy, and we ventured off to the White Pole Road garage sales. I usually make a stop at one particular house in Stuart, where the family has maybe a total of 10 boys in the family, so I stocked up on clothes there and made out with some other pretty cool bargains including a shopping cart with food, tools, baseball glove, and a chair - all for Jman, of course. One MAJOR steal was this cute pair of batman jammies for 10 cents - gotta love garage sales!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

I love going to garage sales. We used to go with Grandma Rita all the time. Love the jammies! What a bargain.