Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snow fun

While Natalie was at Autumn Swallow's wedding shower Jasper, Cozmo and I took advantage of the sunny weather — and snowy ground — and played outside. You'd be amazed since we've had so much snow, but this is the first snowman of the season. The snow that fell last night — about 5 inches at my house — was absolutely perfect for building a snowman and it rolled up off the grass like you were rolling up carpet.

We did, however, have to put Coz inside for a little while while we rolled up the snow balls. Otherwise he'd dive head-first into the balls and we'd have to start over.

J wasn't thrilled with me stealing his blue chalk for the snowman's eyes, but after the photos we went back to drawing on the patio. And he was a little iffy about sitting so high up, but he thought it was fun — for a second.

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