Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snowed in

The Wilsons were snowed in Wednesday — like most of the rest of Iowa — after a blizzard dropped about a foot (some places got up to 18 inches) of snow on us and 40-plus mph winds blew it around.

I scooped our deck to the best of my abilities so Cozmo would go outside and do his business, and I spent a couple hours digging out our driveway, but because the snow plow didn't come until about 4, we didn't even attempt to leave the house until about 5, when I headed to Dahl's and Little Caesars for pizza - can't beat $5 large pies!

Instead, we stayed comfy and warm inside with Jasper and Coz, reading books, napping, watch John Deere and having a good old time. Jasper also stayed warm by wearing my stocking hat all day. We tried taking it off at one point ... big mistake!

Here are a few pics of the snow - it was piled more than a foot deep against our sliding glass doors to the deck and one drift in our driveway was about waist deep.

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

I heard it was bad there. Crazy weather. It's been a little rainy here in Houston, but not much colder than 50degrees and no snow. Glad you had some nice family time snowed in together. Those snowed in days were always my favorite when I was little.