Sunday, January 4, 2009

REWIND....more christmas photos!

We finally downloaded photos from Christmas Eve, so thought we'd post.  We celebrated with the Henderson side - Great Grandma Henderson and great Aunt Candy over at Grandma Vicki's house.  Jasper opened up his very first x-mas present that afternoon - it was an outfit from Great Grandma Henderson, which he pushed all the way over to between her feet and thought it would be best to open right by her.   

That night, we headed out to Jeff & Gina's house in Stuart and opened a few gifts with the Wilson side.  As you'll see in the photo, Jasper enjoyed getting in the middle of the 'white elephant gift exchange' circle.  Adam made out with "the worlds most difficult puzzle" and Natalie with a teal purse - SCORE :)

We had a great start to the Christmas Holiday with our families!  

1 comment:

H&M said...

Nice growth! It's weak compared to mine, but still pretty good.