Thursday, March 27, 2008

The one and only ... Jasper!

Well ... after nine months of waiting, Jasper Paul Wilson arrived two days before his due date. Born at 12:41 p.m. Monday, March 24, Jasper weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 inches long.
We got to Mercy Medical Center at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning as contractions were coming more regular and becoming more painful. Natalie's water broke around 9:30 a.m. and she started pushing just before 10:30 a.m., progressing from 2-3 cm to 9 cm in a matter of hours. She was in labor most of the evening, but toughed it out at home as long as she could. (Adam slept most of that night.)
At 12:41 p.m. Dr. Ellen Roose from West Des Moines OBGYN birthed Jasper, with a little help from the handy vacuum. At 12:42 Adam had his first, but certainly not last, cry while he cut the cord and helped nurse Shannah with the footprints.
It wasn't long before room 3012 was filled with family and friends excited to meet the little guy. After a little rest and relaxation we moved to room 2025, where we stayed until we were discharged around 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 26.

A list of Jasper's hospital visitors:
* Grandma Vicki Henderson
* Grandparents Debbie and Paul Wilson
* Aunt Melissa, Uncle Ken and cousins Kyren and Sydney Wilder
* 'Uncle' Nate Westre was there for the birth, but had to leave before he could see Jasper. (Nate and his friend Rose came back to visit on Tuesday.)
* Uncle Jason Henderson and his friend Abby McFarland.
* Great aunt Sandy came Monday, then brought Junior back on Tuesday
* Great aunt Jody and cousin Macy Weller
* Cousins Tim, Allison, Payton and Pryce Smith (Allison and Pryce were at the hospital for the birth, then came back with the whole fam!)
* Great-grandparents Bob and Bev Trissel
* Friends Kyl, Ami, Payson and Zoe Gillespie
* Friends Jared and Heidi Gillespie
* Friend Amy Ziegler
* Friend Lisa Crandell
* Cousin Rhea Schirm
* Friend (and boss, who told me to get off my Blackberry!) Amy Duncan
* Friends Heidi Lauer and Crystal Peters
* Friends Melissa and Quinton Hall
* Pastor Wayne from Point of Grace Church (twice)
Most people think Jasper looks more like Natalie right now, but he's got some dark black hair like the Wilson side, and dark blue eyes that will go perfect with his blue and orange No. 7 John Elway jersey (when we find one baby-sized!)
Everyone has kept us fed; Vicki brought lasagna and a chicken casserole, the Altoona Chamber sent over some KinFolks BBQ and the Altoona Herald gave us a gift certificate to Applebees.
We also got various other gift certificates and flowers and stuffed animals and on ... and on ... and on ...
Our first visitors after getting home were neighbors Tom and Michelle Cavanaugh, who helped take care of Cozmo while we were at the hospital, as did G-pa Paul and G-ma Debbie. (G-ma Debbie had a GREAT two days with Jasper being born on Monday and voters in the West Central Valley school district finally passing a vote that will result in a new high school. Horray! It's about damn time!)
Then came Mallory, who played with Coz (calling him 'fat' and telling us he needs to lose 5 pounds), before snuggling with Jasper.
Coz did pretty well for the first day, crowding Jasper a couple of times but overall he's been a very good boy. It won't be long before those two are bestest friends!
The first night was a long one, with Jasper wide awake and screaming most of the night. We (Adam, mostly) didn't want to give him a pacifier, but caved around 2 a.m. after what seemed like hours of crying. It wasn't so much the crying that bothered us, we just wanted him to calm down for his own sake.
Adam got about 3 hours of sleep and Natalie got approximately 2 between feedings, changes and cries. Jasper didn't care much to be put down that first night, so we spent most of the night walking around or cuddling on the couch, trying to make it as easy on him as possible.
Most of Thursday was spent cleaning up around the house and feeding/changing the little guy. G-ma Vicki took the afternoon off and gave us some time for Adam to post this first blog and for Natalie to get a nap.
Which gets us up to date. We've got Jasper's first doctor's appointment on Friday morning and Natalie will finally get her ear fixed (so I can stop hollering at her when we talk).
We'll start to post photos and more blogs as the days pass.
Thanks to everyone for the love and support of not only Jasper but Natalie and myself. It's been a great first few days and we can't wait to have you all with us as Jasper grows up.
Thanks again!!!
Adam, Natalie, Jasper & Cozmo Wilson


SarahBiz said...


He's super cute. And you know I would never say that about a baby!!

We all miss you! Have fun with your boys (Jasper & The Coz)


SarahBiz said...

From Hayley:

He is such a cutie.

Adam, SarSar and I ate the pear off your desk.


Jen said...

Congrats!! He's absolutely adorable! I especially love the onesie "My Dad's a Geek". We're thinking about you guys and hope to see you soon!!