Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It's Been a While

It has been almost a year since our last post - and amongst our crazy lives, I really want to try to update this blog because I absolutely love looking back at the memories.  The stories with the pictures might be a little shorter but I'm shooting for one post a week - so here we go :)

Jasper - This week concludes Jasper's 1st grade year at Morris Elementary.  He has Mrs. Noerenberg, who we loved!  His friends are Gael, Jonah, Landon, and Aryan and Samik.  He just found out his teacher next year will be Mrs. Lusthoff.  Good-bye first grade and off to second!

Avery:  will be 4 in August and we just found out she will have Miss Maggie for her morning preschool class at Anderson Elementary.  She is our sweet, sassy little girl and definitely a momma's girl.

Adam: is currently digital editor/senior producer at Gannett. His current workshift is from 6am-2 pm so we get to see alot more of our daddy these days, which we love!

Natalie:  is currently secretary at Morris Elementary and working on getting my Masters in School Counseling. I am back to feeling like my normal self after being diagnosed with Wegeners and feeling so blessed for that and what lies ahead for our family!