Sunday, June 22, 2014

Loving this Picture

Daddy took this picture of a peaceful evening at Grams and Gramps. We had just taken a little trip exploring and were walking back to the house.  Love this photo!

Baseball Slugger

Jasper played T-ball this summer (May-June, 2014). He was on the green team.  They may not have won many games (we didn't keep score) but he had a fun time and really enjoyed playing.  He has a good arm, we just need to work on controlling it.  Go Green!  Great season to our little slugger!

Easter Bunny/Train Time

We ventured out to Valley West Mall this Easter to ride the train and visit the Bunny.  This was Jasper's 6th year of visiting the bunny, but only Ave's second, so she was not a fan, but she will be one day.  We ran into Isabelle and Ethan Meyer and had a great time visiting with them and the kiddos rode the train together. 

Waukee Relay for Life

Dom and Jasper posing with some of the characters at the Waukee Relay for Life.  We walked as Wes' Warriors to remember our Uncle Wesley Junior Swallow. 

Following in Cousin Syd's footsteps

Avery loves doing anything 'monkey-like.'  Climbing, swinging on the bars, and cousin Sydney has been teaching her lots of her gymnastics moves, which she is loving.  Think we might have a budding gymnast on our hands. 

Bubble Boy & Girl

Aunt Melissa, Syd and Vern gave Jasper these fun bubble outfits for his bday.  Actually, one for Jman and one for Syd for her birthday.  They provided hours of entertainment - for kids and us adults. 

Happy 6th Birthday!!

Happy 6th Birthday to the best little boy we could ever ask for.  You are so funny, caring, sweet, and loveable!  We are so proud to be your parents and we hope you enjoyed your day of donuts and jumping at the Recess Jumpie place in Ankeny.  

Circus Time

We thought we would check out the circus at the State Fairgrounds. It was in the Jacobsen Exhibition Center.  We had fun.  Jasper liked it.  Mommy and daddy liked it.  Ave - not so much.  The clowns were a little scary to her.  But can you blame her, really?!

First Tooth Lost

Jasper lost his first tooth on February 20, 2014 while at Issa's house.  It came out when he was eating lunch and he didn't even know it until he bit down on something hard.  He put the tooth in a lego container that he made just for the tooth fairy and the tooth fairy brought $2.  Little man getting to be such a big boy!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

So Avery, what happened here?

I admit that I do think vaseline is a cure-all for alot of things (this is natalie talking and it's coming from my mom who would lather vaseline on any wound we had).  But this is what happened when Avery got in the vaseline tub and I decided to check on her when I thought it sounded a little too quiet.

It's Raining Hail!

If the hail itself didn't give it away, daddy decided to let people know that it was indeed hailing.

Cuddle Time is a Must!

February 2014 - Winter (and really any season) is the best time to cuddle!  But there's something about the snow outside and the cold temperatures that we got to capture some good cuddle shots.

Broncos and Super Bowl

Well, we were rooting for our team - The Broncos - to win the SuperBowl...but it didn't exactly go that way.  We still had fun wearing our Broncos gear and supporting Daddy's team and now the whole family's team...depending on the day for Jasper.  He likes to pick and choose his favorites.

January 2014 - Ave gets her big girl bed and she slept AMAZING and still has slept amazing in it!  We are so proud of her :)

Machine Shed Cinnamon Rolls

Daddy picked these cinnamon rolls up for us - delicious...and literally as big as Jasper and Ave's faces :)

New Years Eve - Ringin' in 2014!

We hung out with the Gillespies on New Years Eve.  They now live in Shanendoah and we miss them alot!!!

Christmas No. 4

Christmas eve setting cookies out for Santa and carrots for Rudolph and opening presents at our house that morning, including a doll house for Avery, legos for Jman and an IPAD for the family! Thanks Santa!