Monday, May 19, 2014

Christmas No. 3

This time it's Christmas at Grandpa Paul and Grandma Debbie's house with Sydney and Melissa, too. Legos highlighted Jasper's day, and it seems like Avery really loved her kitchen and her new piggy bank. Thankful for another great day.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

He's watching

This was the first year for Elf on the Shelf. I never had it growing up, but Natalie said she did. The kids thought it was cool and fun, but eventually we think it got a little creepy for Jasper, who seemed to have a harder time sleeping with the Elf out there. He mad more bad dreams, and spent a lot more time awake at night than normal. And, after Christmas, when Elf went back into his box, Jasper went right back to sleeping all night like we're all used to. Weird.

Coast Guard Legos

Dec. 22, 2013: No way Jasper was going to let that Coast Guard plane sit unopened all night. He busted it open as soon as we got home from Grandma Vicki's and got it put together.

Christmas No. 2

Dec. 22, 2013: Christmas at Grandma Vicki's, with Noah there too!

Lazy day

Dec. 22, 2013: Just a lazy morning for the girls.

Christmas No. 1

Dec. 21, 2013: First Christmas of the season, mom's side at Dennis and Tess' house.

End of basketball season

Dec. 20, 2013: Jasper and the Black team finished up the season with a game followed by a medal ceremony and treats. We had a great time and, most importantly, everyone had fun.

Just the two of us

Dec. 12, 2013: Avery and daddy had the morning to ourselves, so we read the paper and she took a 'selfie' wearing my Hawkeyes hat. All-in-all, a pretty good day.

Potty training

Dec. 8, 2013: Avery's working on potty training, so she's wearing undies quite a bit and, sometimes, following Jasper into the bathroom to use her potty while he goes.

Crazy hair!

Dec. 7, 2013: Avery was 'hiding' under the blanket and came up with a little bit of static. 

Christmas tree

Dec. 5, 2013: Somehow this is the only photo we got this year of us decorating the tree. At least we got one of the kids enjoying the peaceful feel while they watched a movie before bedtime in the living room.


What do you think of the 'ol push broom?


Neighbors Angie and Sean are Chiefs fans, so Jasper, Avery and I went over to their house Dec. 1, 2013 to watch the Broncos-Chiefs game. (Of course Denver won.) Too bad Angie had to corrupt my children by giving them their Chiefs' No. 1 finger. (I've got a finger for the Chiefs.)

Daddy's office

Dec. 1, 2013: Just a quick stop at the Register offices -- enough to get a picture in front of a couple of the 'beautiful!' (Jasper said) trees. In that last pic I know it looks like Avery is taking an aggressive stance and being held back by Jasper but, in fact, that's just her smile. Yep.