Friday, December 20, 2013

Making cookies with the McMurray girls

Jasper and Avery made cookies with the McMurray girls today -- Quinn and Delaney. It took a little help from Natalie and Grandma Vicki, but it was a roaring success. Cookies were made and tons of frosting was consumed.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Youth basketball

Jasper's first basketball season is coming to an end. He's had a good time and made three baskets this season I think.
Lookin' for the rebound.

Hands up on 'D'!

Rise up, release and follow through.

Chuckin' it toward the hoop.

Might need to tighten up that running form.

Runnin' the point.

Taking his sweet time to set up a jumper.

In the paint lookin' for 2.

Got a little help from the official, who pushed
the defender's arms out of the way of his shot.

Setting up on 'D.'

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bondurant Santa Social

On Dec. 7 after Jasper's basketball game we all went to the Santa Social here in Bondurant. It was the same crew this year as last, minus Grandpa Paul, who wasn't feeling well, and plus Natalie, who was well enough to come with us this year. (She missed last year.)

Jasper and Sydney really enjoyed it, and each sat on Santa's lap and met the Des Moines Buccaneers mascot. Avery, on the other hand, barely tolerated being in the same room as those characters.  Good thing Grandma Debbie was there to read books instead.

Natalie did sneak Aver into a couple of pics behind Santa.