Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Fathers Day to the best daddy around!

Gotta Wear Shades

Grandma Vicki got Ave a pair of bling-bling shades...and she doesn't want to take them off. Here she is wearing them in the house watching tv, coloring, and a close-up of her "cheesing" with them on.


I love Jasper's freckles and they really come out in the summertime! I heard someone say that freckles are kisses from angels and I completely agree :)

Who Loves Movie Night?

Jasper chose Fox and the Hound 2 for movie night tonight. Here's a shot of the kiddos stuffing their faces with popcorn :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Climbing wall

Jasper and I spent an afternoon a few weeks ago adding on to his and Avery's playset. He was a great held as we added a climbing wall on.

Waiting patiently

Jasper went with me this morning for the grand opening of the new depot in town, sort of the beginning of the trail here in town. After the ribbon cutting an annual bike ride, Biking Bondu, was held, and he's waiting patiently here on the curb for me to take the bike photos. We had a couple of people this morning say how much he looked like me -- poor kid!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Soccer Fun!

We had a great first soccer season. Adam did a great job with Coach Dave and Jasper enjoyed playing and meeting some new friends! He was quite the goal-scorer and also defender!

More Fishing Derby Photos...

Bondurant Fishing Derby

Had a fun time at this year's Bondurant Fishing Derby. Syd and Gramps were the lucky fish-catchers. Our cousin Perri Smith also came along with us, which was fun to have her with us! Hopefully next year, we'll catch some more fish and Ave will be able to join in the fun more.

Happy Birthday Ethan and Quinn!

Today was a fun day complete with two birthday parties - Ethan Meyer turned 4 and Quinn McMurray turned 6. Ethan had a superhero-themed party and we went to a jumpie place for Quinn, where we also filled bottles with "sixlets" in honor of her being 6. We then went over to McMurray's for a BBQ. Great day and night with great friends!

Some Good Family Time!

We had the opportunity to see the Henderson side of the family and celebrate our cousin, Addie's, 2nd birthday with Aunt Candy, Aunt Linda, and Great Grandma Alice in Boone. It was great to see them!

Summertime and the Livin's Easy...

Best way to enjoy a hot summer afternoon - bring out the sprinkler!

Sweeping Away

Avery loves some sweeping :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Here Comes the Ice Cream Truck

Bondurant has it's very own Ice Cream Truck!You can hear the music coming down the street and the kids go running. Jasper and Avery shared a ninja turtle dessert - yummy!

Real Life Baby

The Hancock family stopped by before their soccer game in Altoona and brought some of Jman and Avery's cousins to play with them. Avery was pretty happy to play with a "real life" baby - Sky. We did lots of "nice touches" and she is the sweetest, most calm baby ever!

Last Soccer Game - U6 Spring Season

We had our last soccer tourney, where Jasper played two games. It was a little chilly and rainy, but that didn't stop the green machine from scoring lots of goals and having fun! We had a great first season of soccer, complete with a medal...and M&M cookies, which scored more points than the medals. And Jasper was super ecstatic that daddy was such an awesome coach! He kept telling him, "dad, you were such an awesome coach. Thank you so much" and then he said, "And I was such a good student,wasn't I?" Yes, Jasper, you were a good player, too!