Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Aunt Melissa and Operation Piggy Tails

Aunt Melissa decided that it was about time Miss Avery tried some piggy tails. They turned out so stinkin' cute. She did cry a little when putting them in, but didn't even realize they were there and kept them in until bedtime. We will be having more piggy tails in the future...and hopefully more hair :)

A couple more photos from Honeycreek Resort

Fun at Honeycreek Resort

We headed south to Honeycreek Resort in Moravia, Ia to celebrate gramps (61) and mommy's (32) birthday. The weather was pretty chilly but that didn't stop us from having a fun time staying in the cabin, swimming at the waterpark, the kids played at the playground, and we even roasted some smores. After the kids went to bed, us adults played some games and had a fun time! Thanks so much to grams and gramps! It was so nice to get away and enjoy each other's company.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Favorite Spot

Kiddos have discovered the the staircase makes a great place to climb, play, and most recently make into a helicopter to put out fires. The fire station is nearby in the office in case we have to fill up the helicopter with gas.

Bev's Baves

Here is Avery sporting her Bev's Babes t-shirt in rememberance of great grandma trissel who died of pancreatic cancer. Love you and miss you great grandma trissel!!

Two Peas in a Pod

Jasper and Avery at the doorway watching Adam snovel show.

Mustache Time

Once a year Adam decides to grow out a full beard. This year, he decided for his fantasy baseball draft, well actually his buddies decided, that he needed to just come with a mustache - here is the before and after. You can say that everyone in our house is happy that there is no longer a mustache and he's back to his clean-shaven self. Jasper did say he looked like a "stranger" with his mustache...and I agree :) Silly daddy!

Cuddling Time with Daddy

Avery isn't too big of a cuddler, but here she is snuggling with daddy reading a book close to bed time. She is definitely a daddy's girl - her most heard phrase around the house is: "Dadda-go?" whenever he leaves or when he comes home, "Hi Dadda! Hi Dadda!

Being A Superhero....

is serious stuff!