Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 12: Plumbing, basement floor

We're not quite at the two week mark and we now have some plumbing work done, as well as a basement floor. (The Tom Latham sticker is a freebie sticker from tonight's Summerfest parade.)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quick snapshot

On a recent off day the kids and I went for a walk. Here's a pic we took to email Natalie to make her jealous that we were having fun and she was at the office.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 6: Forms are down

This morning the crew pulled the forms off the foundation walls. Also today they sealed the exterior walls and put the egress window well in place.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 5: Foundation walls

I figured it'd be a few days after the footings were poured before we saw more progress. I - thankfully - was wrong. One day after pouring the footings the crew set up and poured the foundation walls. As you can see, Jasper sure hopes we can leave the big dirt pile in the backyard. Sorry buddy ... climb it while you can. It's really taking shape now!

Father's Day

Good pics from Melissa Wilder from a very fun Father's Day!

Day 4: Footings!

After about 18 inches of water from weekend thunderstorms was pumped from our 'hole,' workers set up and poured the footings for our home June 18. The foundation is next, probably within a few days.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 1: It's official!

Work began on our new house in Bondurant today. They started digging early and, when I was there around 8:30, it looked like they had about one-half of the basement dug. More updates as they're available, of course. So exciting!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hangin' with dad

We went to the Hank and Melissa Norem's house over Memorial Day weekend for dinner and to make s'mores around the campfire. I passed - as I always do - on the s'more, but Avery and I did share some quality time by the fire.

Kiddos on the train

Here's a pic of Jasper on the train during his first trip to the Blank Park Zoo, and another of Avery enjoying the train today.

Goin' to the zoo

Some snapshots from today's afternoon trip to the Blank Park Zoo. Take a close look of the side view of the snow leopard. See a certain little boy pressed up against the glass trying to get the big cat's attention? Yep ... that's Jasper. And Avery got up close with a wooly mammoth.

10 months old!

Quick snapshot of Avery and daddy on her 10-month birthday.

Jasper, 4-years-old and counting

Here are some new pics of Jasper. They're really his 4-year-old photos, but like I said a post or two ago, we're a little behind. So, consider these his 4-year, 3-month photos. Can't believe how big our boy is getting!